Songs Of the Cattle Trail & Cow Camp

Complete Text & Lyrics by John A Lomax

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High Chin Bob
No man has looped a lion's head and lived to
drag the critter dead
Till I shall tell the tale."
'Way high up in the Mokiones that top hoss done his
'Mid whippin' brush and rattlin' stones from canon-
floor to crest;
Up and down and round and cross Bob pounded
weak and wan,
But pride still glued him .to his hoss and glory
spurred him on.
" Oh, glory be to me! " says he, " this glory
trail is rough I
But I'll keep this dally round the horn until
the toot of judgment morn
Before I'll holler 'nough!"
Three suns had rode their circle home, beyond
the desert rim,
And turned their star herds loose to roam the ranges
high and dim;
And whenever Bob turned and hoped the limp re-
mains to find,
A red-eyed lion, belly roped, but healthy, loped be-
" Oh, glory be to me," says Bob, " he caint
be drug to death I
These heroes that I've read about were only
fools that stuck it out
To the end of mortal breath."
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